Monday, October 22, 2007


Robby decided to pay Martina a surprise visit. Petra and I were supposed to keep them out of trouble. We hiked a section of the AT, canoed parts of the Maury River and Antietam creek, swam at Panther falls in the dark, and fleeced Goodwill. We lived off the land, munching Paw Paws, wild grapes, and some volunteer pumpkin.
Petra and I rather enjoy chaperoning. Next break we hope to supervise a group from Southern…


Jan Robert (Robby) Heiberg said...

The time we had together with you guys was a blast Paul! Big thanks to both of you for making this small vacation a very enjoyable time. We should repeat it!

ragamuffin child said...

sounds like your weekend was as good as mine! :) we'll all have to do something together in Maine next summer, yes?

Christy Joy said...

awesome! martina was so excited when she told me about robby's surprise visit.

i bet you two are quite the chaperones :D

Paul said...

Petra and I are the world's best chaperones. We should charge for our fine services…

Becky: indeed, we shall engage in many such activities in the summer to come.

Robby: regardless of where Petra and I end up hanging our hats, we’ll make time for adventures with you and yours…

feel free to call upon our skills. Petra and I are quite willing to lead a camping group from SAU.

joar andré said...

looks like you guys had quite the adventure and lots of fun! robby just showed me the pictures. you'll all have to come to norway next time :)

Christy Joy said...

lol, i just saw the video episode of the carrot jousting. unique indeed. i hope you have sufficiently recovered from any injuries received from said carrot jousting.

Elissa said...

looks like you had a fine time. :)
i especially like the pictures of Martina and Petra with leaves on their heads. though the view paul is enjoying in the bottom pic is really lovely. i'm sure you and petra are excellent chaperones, paul. :) keep up the good updates, i love hearing everything about "home". missing everyone, but very happy with my current position, God is really blessing. elissa

Jonas said...

Paul and petra: praying for you guys!
I sleep with my GB and GChem books now..... lol. I guess I'm a little neurotic.

Julianne said...

robby assured me that your blog would have pictures of THE weekend. Thanks! So fun to see them. You guys are crazy! (in a good way!)

Paul said...

yes, sanity is only maintained by vigorous and regular promenades along its border.

Jan Robert (Robby) Heiberg said...

Paul is adding pictures each day it seems like... Just a little comment to the one which now is first (where I look a little extra fat). Such is what happens when a European enters the American borders and is fed american food... :P

Chopsticks on Oboe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chopsticks on Oboe said...

Whatever Robby, you like my mom's food just as much as her three children now, and it's HEALTH food, not fattening food. Now copious amounts of paw paws...
Pet and Paul, that was an awesome weekend! Tusen Takk for en veldig fin helg!

Jan Robert (Robby) Heiberg said...

I do. Your mum makes awesome food! I was actually also quite impressed with Pauls "blend-anything-and-everything-together-soups"! :)

Paul said...

I don't know
Petra gained 5 pounds each time she visited Norway...
Ali's cooking is far, far better than mine.
Still, I'm glad for the Norge interchange and your kind words regarding my soup.

Barry Howe said...

Chaperoning welcome at all times, preferrablly preemptorially rather than prophetically

Jonathan Gerrans said...

Hey Paul! Great pictures! looks like you guys had quite an interesting time that weekend! Have a great Sabbath!

Jan Robert (Robby) Heiberg said...

Paul - is that last picture from the weekend I was over there? Can't recall it! Maybe I suffer from light alzeihmer :) ?

Jonas said...

Pacific crest would be cool, but I'm thinking more along the lines of "No tiger in the hindu Kush"!

Paul said...


do you mean the top photo?
it was taken during an earlier weekend when Petra and I chaperoned Per and Ali, Lars and Julie (Per's brother/sister-in-law) and Paul (Per's brother) on a hike in Maryland.

You and Tee behaved much better than they did.

Jan Robert (Robby) Heiberg said...

Yes, I ment the top photo. I see :). It's a very nice picture of you and Petra though!